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Green Zone Capital Performance History

Best Investment Highlights
Annual Performance


Solana (SOL/USD)

Experience an extraordinary 750% return on our investment in Solana, a groundbreaking cryptocurrency. Our strategic approach and in-depth market analysis allowed us to seize this exceptional opportunity and generate significant profits for our clients.


Ethereum (ETH/USD)

Benefit from a substantial 250% return on our investment in Ethereum, a prominent cryptocurrency. Our comprehensive understanding of the crypto market and strategic investment decisions enabled us to capitalize on the immense growth potential of Ethereum.



Witness a remarkable 155% return on our investment in Nvidia, a leading technology company. Our expertise in identifying emerging trends and investing in innovative companies contributed to this impressive performance.

TradingView Analysis Ideas

Historical Performance Charts

Discover the power of technical analysis through our historical performance charts, showcasing marked up price action on naked charts that accurately forecasted winning positions. These meticulously annotated charts provide a visual representation of our expertise in analyzing market trends, identifying key support and resistance levels, and predicting future price movements.


By studying these charts, you can gain valuable insights into our ability to effectively utilize technical analysis to make strategic investment decisions and capture profitable opportunities. Witness firsthand how our skilled team leverages the art of technical analysis to achieve consistent success in the ever-evolving financial markets.



November 9, 2021






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Our Signature Aesthetic

Annual Investment Performance History

Annual Reports

Annual Reports contain important information including Key Facts, Performance Charts, Asset Holdings & Performance Data.


Explore our comprehensive annual performance reports for the years 2019 - 2024. These meticulously compiled documents provide an in-depth analysis of our investment strategies, portfolio performance, and market insights throughout each year. Gain valuable insights into our successful investment decisions, risk management practices, and the overall growth achieved by our portfolios. Download these reports to delve into the detailed performance data, enabling you to make informed decisions and gain a deeper understanding of our commitment to delivering exceptional results for our clients.

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